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尊龙官方平台-尊龙凯时app > 新闻中心 > 冷泉港亚洲2013年会议- 膜蛋白:结构与功能
冷泉港亚洲2013年会议- 膜蛋白:结构与功能
点击次数:1389 发布时间:2013-03-25


carola hunte, university of freiburg, germany
brian kobilka,
stanford university, usa
robert nakamoto, 
university of virginia, usa 
nieng yan, tsinghua university, china
reinhard jahn, max planck institute for biophysical chemistry, germany
exocytosis in neurons – interplay between proteins and lipids 
tom rapoport, hhmi/harvard medical school, usa
mechanisms of protein translocation across membranes 
yigong shi tsinghua university, china
structural biology of intramembrane proteases
james chou, harvard medical school, usa
the minimalist architectures of viral channels and their implication to therapeutic intervention
liang feng, stanford university, usa
matthew freeman, mrc laboratory of molecular biology, united kingdom
regulation of membrane proteins by the rhomboid-like clan
sebastien granier, stanford university, usa
structural insights into opioid receptor function 
carola hunte, university of freiburg, germany

jim hurley, nih, usa
youxing jiang, hhmi/the university of texas southwestern medical center at dallas, usa
structural insight into the ion exchange mechanism of sodium/calcium exchanger
ronald kaback, university of california, los angeles, usa
the old man and the membrane 
michael kozlov,  aviv university, israel
shaping endoplasmic reticulum: inter-sheet connections between stacked sheets
martin lohse, university of wurzburg, germany

hassane mchaourab, vanderbilt university, usa
thomas meier, max planck institute of biophysics, germany
the rotor rings of atp synthases and their role in the ion translocation mechanism 
robert nakamoto, university of virginia, usa
dynamics of the e. coli outer membrane vitamin b12 transporter 
eduardo perozo, the university of chicago, usa
carol robinson, university of oxford, uk
mass spectrometry of membrane complexes, at last. 


hazime saito, himeji institute of technology, japan
dynamic pictures of membrane proteins as soft matter 
georgios skiniotis, university of michigan, usa
ja steyaert, vrije universiteit brussel & vlaams instituut biotechnologie, belgium
nanobodies as tools for the structural and functional investigation of gpcr transmembrane signaling
sinisa urban, hhmi/johns hopkins university, usa
signaling from inside the membrane: lessons from rhomboid proteases
michael wolfe, harvard medical school, usa
carboxypeptidase activity of ?-secretase: measure, cut, repeat 

nieng yan, tsinghua university, china
structural investigation of voltage-gated sodium channels 
maojun yang, tsinghua university, china
structural insight into the type-ii mitochondrial nadh dehydrogenases
peng zhang, shanghai institutes for biological sciences, cas, china
structure and mechanism of the energy coupling factor transporter 
ming zhou, baylor college of medicine, usa
structural basis of the alternate-access mechanism in a bile acid transporter 
1. membrane receptors
2. transporters
3. channels
4. membrane enzymes
5. membrane complexes
6. membrane shaping
7. dynamic study of membrane and membrane proteins
8. emerging technologies 